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Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-06 um


Module week about Accumoli and its cultural landscape – an urban requalification:

Reactivation of Potentials


September 8, 2020


From 8.-13. June 2020 module 6 of the 12th year of the course "Renovation and Revitalization, MSc" on the topic of "Revitalization Concepts" took place online for the first time - due to the COVID-19 situation. The task of the participants was to discover the potentials of the city of Accumoli, which was badly destroyed by several earthquakes in 2016 and 2017, in connection with the surrounding landscape. 


The starting point for the execution of the task was the main street Via Salvatore Tommasi and its side streets. These are historic throughways with remarkable buildings, views and prospects; but these streets also lead to the near and far landscape beyond the city.

In order to discover possible potentials in economic, touristic, cultural, … dimensions, the students analyzed the existing and former infrastructures and path connections, explored how they could be developed for use today, with a special focus on the historical paths leading to the surrounding agricultural homesteads.

The aim of the module week was to develop traffic routes and lines of sight out of the city into the landscape and to determine their potential. It should be taken into account what connects Accumoli with the surrounding region, what Accumoli contributes to this region and how one can draw attention to these paths into the landscape.

Since the participants of the course could not be on site this time, Accumoli with its history and the peculiarities of the topography as well as the beauty of medieval architecture was brought closer to them via Zoom-lectures by university specialists, local Italian speakers and former residents of Accumoli, who made very personal and authentic contributions.

The knowledge of the students about Accumoli was supplemented by extensive planning material and documentation as well as through their own personal research. The results of the module week were presented virtually at the end of the week.



Information & Registration: Mag. Susanne Prix, MSc,

Danube University Krems

Department of Building and Environment, Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems, Austria


Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-06 um

Reactivation of Potentials

Presentation as download


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