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Partners visit the Institute for Applied & Theoretical Mechanics in Prague
Reconstruction after Disasters: Methods and Instruments of Participatory Planning Processes
Date: 19th-21st February 2024

Accumoli, Central Italy, serves as a case study for a participatory reconstruction concept in the Erasmus+ project "Complex Participatory Reconstruction of Urban Structures." From February 19 to 21, 2024, the project consortium met in Prague to prepare for the pilot phase. The methods will be tested under real conditions at the end of May, involving the local population and authorities.


Subject-specific visits in Prague focused on the laboratories of the Institute of Applied and Theoretical Mechanics. These laboratories contain mechanical testing facilities for simulating earthquake events. Additionally, various mechanical loads on structural elements or frameworks of buildings can be examined. The condition of building materials after exposure to loads can be analyzed using computer tomography.

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Erasmus+ and ComPaRe Educational Programme Design Workshop (C4)
The Comprehensive Reconstruction of Destroyed Historical Centers
Date: 3rd-6th December 2023

From December 3 to 6, 2023, the Erasmus+ project "ComPaRe" held a seminar in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, discussing teaching methods and tools for reconstructing historical centers post-disaster.


Led by the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage at the University for Continuing Education Krems, the seminar, hosted by the Faculty of Architecture and Design in Bratislava, focused on coordinating project results and making conceptual decisions for teaching activities in Accumoli in May 2024. The program included expert lectures, on-site visits, and discussions on fire disasters.


The Consortium, including universities from Rome, Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Budapest, and the Czech Academy of Sciences, aims to publish project outcomes and conduct follow-up meetings in Prague (February 2024) and Accumoli (spring 2024).

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Erasmus+ "Complex Participatory Reconstruction of Urban Structures.
Earthquake Consequences: Utilizing Collective Knowledge for Reconstruction
Date: 18th-22nd September 2023

From September 18 to 22, 2023, in the earthquake-ravaged central Italian town of Accumoli, over 40 students, educators, and doctoral candidates worked on the conceptual basis for the comprehensive reconstruction of the town as part of the Erasmus+ project "Complex Participatory Reconstruction of Urban Structures" (Acronym ComPaRe).


Collective knowledge about the appearance of the town before the earthquake, one of the results of the project seminar, is considered a relevant knowledge foundation alongside archives.


The project is led by the Research Lab for Sustainable Built Cultural Heritage at the University for Continuing Education Krems. It develops teaching methods and didactic tools for dealing with the complex reconstruction of destroyed historical centers.

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Evening Conference in English and Italian
Reflections on Complex and Participatory Reconstruction
Date: Friday, September 22, 2023, at 6:00 PM

The ComPaRe project (Complex Participatory Reconstruction of Urban Structures) is co-funded by the European Union (ERASMUS+ Program) and aims to develop, optimize, and test teaching methods, educational concepts, and tools for addressing real and complex tasks in the reconstruction of historic centers devastated by nature or human activities. This project focuses not only on the physical structure of the city but also on economic, social, and cultural aspects. The process encourages critical thinking about factors influencing city resilience and intercultural skills. Following the presentation and discussion of reflections, we invite you to join us for a small refreshment.


Location: Accupoli, Via Pasqualoni snc, Accumoli, 

Online: telematic transmission via Zoom-Online

Date: Friday, September 22, 2023, at 6:00 PM 

Participants: Contributors of the Design Seminar


The evening conference will be held in English and Italian.


CASE STUDY - Reconstruction of a Destroyed City
for Staff & Students in Accumoli (IT)

Date: 18th-22nd September 2023

Goals and Expected Results of the Activity:

Through the use of tools for acquiring knowledge of a fragile territory affected by a disaster, the activity aims to create a basis for design proposals for reconstruction and virtual simulation of the appearance of places before the disaster.


Sequence of Activities:

1) preparation of questionnaires to be submitted to the population in order to gain greater knowledge of the place; preparation for the use of tools such as laser scanner and dronephotogrammetry; 2) meetings with the population of different villages, to learn about the history of different places, including reality, myth and legend and the expectations of reconstruction; 3) collection and organization of documentation on each village provided by the local population; 4) collection of documentation on the web; 5) access to Rieti archives and search for archival documentation; 6) inspection in some villages characterized by the fact of being "slightly damaged", "moderately damaged", "completely damaged" for a visible and direct survey; 7) indirect or instrumental survey of each of the 3 types of villages identified.



Registration has been opened for a selection process of staff and students who are interested in participating in the CASE STUDY-Reconstruction of a Destroyed City (see ). The project activity will take place on 18th-22nd September 2023 in Accumoli (IT). Arrival is expected on 17th September, and return is scheduled for 23rd September.
A reserve list of max. 3 students will be created in case of additional positively evaluated submission or, in case some of the selected ones are unavailable for the workshop. Participant’s travel and lodging expenses will be covered by the project. 

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Music Academy
Accademia Vicino di Accumoli 2023
Date: Thursday, August 17th - Thursday, August 24th 2023

The Accademia Vicino di Accumoli is an innovative project for the holistic reconstruction of the earthquake-devastated town of Accumoli. It brings young musicians from all around the world to the Italian Apennines to gather profound musical experiences during a two-week period in the summer.


Through these activities, the aim is not only to support the reconstruction of physical structures but also to reconstruct the cultural, social, and communal life in Accumoli while creating economic stimuli.


The participants of the academy are offered a multimodal program that focuses on three main subjects: intensive orchestral playing and chamber music training, as well as individual lessons and seminars on practical musical topics.


From August 17 to 24, 2023, under the artistic direction of Maestro Johannes Wildner, a program of chamber music works by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert will be developed and presented to the public in concerts in Accumoli and Norcia.


In addition to the concerts, interaction with the audience is also sought through smaller chamber music events, such as spontaneous musical performances in public spaces. The following activities are planned:


Concerto serale (Estate nursina)

Chamber music featuring pieces from the Viennese Classical period

Norcia, Piazza S. Benedetto

Friday, August 18, 2023, 9:30 PM


Sagra delle fettucelle in Accumoli

Musical performances by Corpo bandastico and the Accademia Vicino

Accumoli, Piazza Accupoli

Sunday, August 20, 2023, starting at 11:00 AM (Concert at 5:00 PM)



Sapori di Accumoli

Presentation of regional specialties

Accumoli, Area SAE

Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 10:30 AM


Vigilia commemorativa

Musical accompaniment for the memorial ceremony

Illica (Frazione di Accumoli)

Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 9:00 PM



L’arte dell quartetto

Lecture and performance on the art of quartet playing

Scuola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli

Thursday, August 24, 2023, 10:00 AM


Santa Messa commemorativa

Musical accompaniment for the memorial mass for the earthquake victims

Piazza della Chiesa SS. Pietro Apostolo e Lorenzo Martire in Accumoli

Thursday, August 24, 2023, 5:00 PM


Concerto commemmorativo

Memorial concert by the Accademia Vicino di Accumoli

Piazza della Chiesa SS. Pietro Apostolo e Lorenzo Martire in Accumoli

Thursday, August 24, 2023, 7:00 PM (after the mass)


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Evening Conference
Sustainable Urban Revitalisation of Accumoli with Lightweight Membrane Structures
Date: Friday, May 19th, 2023, 6 p.m.


In connection with the reconstruction of the town of Accumoli, which was destroyed by the earthquake, the question of the future development of the Piazza San Francesco also arises. This square is important for the identity of the historic centre of Accumoli and at the same time must meet the needs of the population and support the development of the city. In order to meet these requirements, proposals for the new construction of lightweight membrane structures with integrated photovoltaics were developed within the framework of the postgraduate university courses "Redevelopment and Revitalisation" and "Lightweight Membrane Structures" (Danube University Krems) and will be presented and discussed.


Location: Accupoli, Via Pasqualoni snc, Accumoli
With telematic transmission via Zoom – Online ID: 998 0723 9847, Password: 123

Date: Friday, May 19th, 2023, 6 p.m.
Moderation: Univ.-Prof. Dr Christian Hanus, Dr. Robert Roithmayr, University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria)


The evening conference will be held in English and German with simultaneous translation into Italian.

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Univ.-Prof. Dr Christian Hanus, Danube University Krems (Austria)
Renewable Energy Communities in the Accumoli Reconstruction Process
Date: Friday, February 17th, 2023, 6 p.m.

In connection with the overall reconstruction of the city of Accumoli, the question of its future energy supply arises. The wish in the foreground is: which forms of generating renewable energies are possible in Accumoli? What role can renewable energy communities play in this and what role does the people of Accumoli play in this? What energy requirements can be expected in the future? How can conflicting goals between energy generation and monument protection or landscape protection be overcome? These questions were developed as part of a project week for the postgraduate university course "Renovation and Revitalization" and are to be presented and discussed.


Location: Accupoli, Via Pasqualoni snc, Accumoli
With telematic transmission via Zoom – Online
Date: Friday, February 17th, 2023, 6 p.m.
Moderation: Univ.-Prof. Dr Christian Hanus, University for Continuing Education Krems (Austria)


The evening conference will be held in Italian with simultaneous translation into German.

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Edoardo Micati, Researcher and expert on Pastoral Landscapes
The Agro-pastoral Landscape of the Apennines
Date: Wednesday, December 13th, 2022, 6 p.m.

During the webinar, lecturer Edoardo Micati, will talk about the "Agro-pastoral Landscape of the Apennines," illustrating the signs that man has left through the centuries on these mountains. The succession of images will follow a chronological pattern, starting with the caves and shelters under rock occupied by settled shepherds.


With the beginning of transhumance, human presence in the mountains becomes much more evident. They piled, piled, raised retaining walls, repaired collapses, channelled water, built enclosure walls and huts for shelter and overnight stays during periods of increased work.  The dry-stone works, which will be discussed, characterize much of the mid-Apennine mountain farms and are the most obvious and impressive evidence of our ancestors' immense work.


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Wednesday, December 13th, 2022, 6 p.m..
Edoardo Micati
Researcher and expert on Pastoral Landscapes (I)


The event will be held in Italian and simultaneously translated into German.


The Current Housing Situation in Accumoli
The SAE Structures of Accumoli
Date: Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, 6 p.m.

This evening is dedicated to the current housing situation in Accumoli. After a visit on site by the lecturer, the topics of the event are designed as follows: an initial theoretical overview of SAE (Emergency housing solution) structures followed by a discussion part. The lecture will focus on difficulties, maintenance and consumption problems, but also restoration possibilities and future prospects. This will be followed by a discussion with contributions from Pietro Roselli, a resident of SAE structures in Accumoli.


Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, 6 p.m.

Arch. Michele Pietropaolo

National Institute of Bioarchitecture,

Studio Ap Architetti, Pesaro (I)

Pietro Roselli

Inhabitant of the SAE structures of Accumoli


The event will be held in Italian and simultaneously translated into German.

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Local Ways of Promoting Tourism  
IT.A.CÀ Festival on Responsible Tourism
Date: Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, 6 p.m.

The evening event will look at the history of the Festival of Sustainable Tourism, launched in Bologna in 2009, its philosophy, co-creation and networking, participation methods and impact on the development of the territories.


The events proposed in each edition define local ways of promoting tourism in different cities and regional areas, developing an image of the territory of sustainability and responsibility that could also be of interest to the Accumoli region.


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, 6 p.m.
Pierluigi Musarò
Director of the Festival IT.A.CÀ
Sonia Bregoli
Responsible for communication and the national coordination of the Festival IT.A.CÀ


The event will be held in Italian and simultaneously translated into German.

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Disposal and Use of Gas through Biogas and Biomethane  
Renewable Energies
Date: Tuesday, August 31st, 2022, 6 p.m

The conference will be an introduction to the topic of self-sufficient energy production using biogas, biomethane and waste gas. The construction of a biogas plant and the example of municipal wastewater treatment plants as energy hubs will be presented.


In a discussion round afterwards, the audience can ask general questions about the topic, but also get concrete information for possible projects.


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Tuesday, August 31st, 2022, 6 p.m.
Dir. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Bernhard Mayr, Managing Director and Owner of Envicare Engingeering Gmbh, Graz (A)


The event will be held in German and simultaneously translated into Italian.

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The digital age  
The Power of E-Commerce
Date: Tuesday, August 2nd 2022, 7 p.m

The digital age has changed us as consumers from the ground up. On the one hand, even small businesses can reach new customers around the globe. On the other hand, competition has also risen sharply. In the lecture, the different areas of e-commerce will be presented and insights into digital marketing strategies will be given based on wine and other products.


Gabriella Lorenz and Marian Staudt from Wine to Web teach e-commerce and e-marketing for International Wine Business at the FH Krems. This is a digital marketing agency that supports customers in various countries in marketing wines and other products. From (label) design and advertising to the development of brands and online stores, the agency provides its customers with a full service.


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022, 7 pm
Marian Staudt, B.A.
Owner Of Wine To Web, Vienna (A)
Mag. Gabriella Lorenz
Brand & Marketing Strategist From Wine To Web
Antonio Santarelli
Casale Del Giglio


The event will be held in German and simultaneously translated into Italian.

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Engage and Empowers Local Stakeholders  
Danube Urban Brand+
Date: Thursday, July 28th, 2022, 6 pm

The title Danube Urban Brand brings together various projects that aim to use the cultural heritage of the Danube as a tool to develop local opportunities and common brands for communities at a lower economic level. The focus is on demographically shrinking regions, peripheral cities and border situations. For this, people need to be initiators of change. DANUrB maps the region, connects, enhances local heritage, and engages and empowers local stakeholders.

It is also important to build a brand. For this, under the umbrella of DANUrB, there are pocket guide tours, Danube Days Festivals, DANUrB school programs (with 12 schools from 6 countries), documentaries, mapping (atlas) and networking with other projects. Not only the six countries located along the Danube can benefit from the experience of this project, but also communities like Accumoli.


Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Thursday, July 28th, 2022, 6 pm

Prof. Arch. Bálint Kádár, Ph.D

Budapest University of Technology and Economics


The event will be held in Italian and simultaneously translated into German.

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Understand the Relationship Between Food Production and the Surrounding Ecosystems 
Peasant Agroecology and Autonomous Communities
Date: Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, 6 pm

Peasant agroecology is rooted in traditional farmer knowledge and has contributed since the beginning of agricultural practices to better understand the relationship between food production and the surrounding ecosystems: agriculture is fully integrated in ‘the territory’ which includes the environmental but also social and cultural dimension. Peasant agroecology respects diverse and regional knowledge based on horizontality and justice principles combined with scientific knowledge. It relies on farmer-to-farmer, intergenerational, and experiential learning processes and legitimizes the role of emotions and feelings in agricultural practices. By enhancing their autonomy and adaptive capacity, agroecology empowers producers and communities as key agents of change. 

The urban counterpart of the rural experiences, supplement and reinforce the idea of agroecology as a comprehensive activity, is not only “for the countryside” strictly speaking. This is a window to the practices that can be carried out from the city, with its own characteristics, scales and conditions.

Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Wednesday, July 13th, 2022, 6 pm

Olcay Bingöl

Agroecology expert, Brussels (b)


The event will be held in English and simultaneously translated into Italian.

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A Discussion on Usefulness and Usability
Sensor-Based Data Economy - Dataskop
Date: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022, 6 pm

Sensors are delivering a constantly increasing amount of data available for multiple applications. Dataskop aims to facilitate these complex data directly in their real environment by using Low Power Wide Area Networks. Applications are manifold and can range from cultural heritage protection or community services to environmental monitoring and agriculture and in these respects is also of great value to the Accumoli region and surrounding areas. Demos from facility management and smart gardening are an impulse for a discussion on usefulness and usability. 


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022, 6 pm
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Treytl

University for Continuing Education Krems


The event will be held in German and simultaneously translated into Italian.

The Village-Urban Relationship
Before Accumoli. A political and social history of the emigration from the villages in Italy
Date: Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, 6 pm

Migration due to natural disasters is of a special kind; it is related to changed living, working and production conditions. In the lecture, the village-urban relationship will be discussed in depth, as well as the social structures after earthquakes and other natural disasters. An important aspect, supported by historical examples, is also the importance of reconstruction, the different types of buildings suitable for this purpose, and the question why investments often aim more at the resettlement of inhabitants than at the consolidation and safeguarding of the affected buildings. The example of Accumoli and Amatrice will be used to shed more light on the issue of difficult to realize reconstruction.


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, 6 pm
Prof. Agostino Petrillo
Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani Politecnico di Milano


The event will be held in Italian and simultaneously translated into German.

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Information Evening in Italian
Future and Present Activities and Projects of the
Scuola di Riscostruzione di Accumoli

Date: Wednesday, May 25th, 2022, 6 pm

The international consortium of the Scuola di Riscostruzione di Accumoli is honored to present and discuss the projects just launched and in progress. In this context, it is worth mentioning the ComPaRe, Accumoli 2030, Dataskop or Accademia Vicino projects. In addition to the contents and objectives, information will be provided on the concrete activities of the coming months and years. In particular, joint activities with local actors and institutions will be discussed and developed. In the context of an evening with wine and snacks, it will also be possible to contribute wishes, suggestions and ideas.


Date: Wednesday, May 25th 2022, 6 pm

Location: Scuola di Riscostruzione di Accumoli
Via Pasqualoni snc, 02011 Accumoli RI, Italia
Hybrid Transmission via Zoom


Univ.-Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus

Department for Building and Environment 
University for Continuing Education Krems (A)


The evening event will be held in Italian and will be translated into German simultaneously.

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Forum Building Science 2022
Date: Friday, May 6th, 2022, 9:30 a.m., Danube University Krems (A) - Participation is Free, Registration is Required for Organizational Reasons

At the annual “Forum Building Science”, current project results and activities from the research and teaching areas of the Department of Building and Environment at Danube University Krems are presented and discussed.


Location: Zoom – Online https://donau-uni.zoom. us/j/69076831685?pwd=ZTRBYzdXODFUdmJUYklQa0NtSER6UT09
Date: Friday, May 6th, 2022, 9:30 a.m.
Participation is free, registration is required for organizational reasons.
Registration at: 


Simultaneous interpreter:
Carola Norcia, Cristina Mozzillo

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Nature as a Teaching and Learning Place -
A Botanical Journey into the "ME"

Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 6 pm

Together with you I would like to take a botanical journey, a journey back to nature, a journey back to your own " ME". Why a return to the "teaching and learning place nature"? - Because it is urgently necessary!!!
We are living in bizarre and tense times. Social, ecological and economic problems in abundance, apparently we are confronted with a hopeless situation, from which there seems to be no escape. But there is a way out, we only have to return to the life-affirming natural values. How? Well, I would have an idea to offer: namely, to consult nature as a role model and teacher. 
(Apparently most of us have forgotten that we derive from nature, but we are natural beings through and through. And nature shows us every day how to live and survive. Let's just imitate her, shall we?) More info at And as always, "Pay attention to the plants, because they know what they are doing!"

Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 6 pm
Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Meyer

Die Oekologen


The evening event will be held in German and will be translated into Italian simultaneously.

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Accademia Vicino Accumoli:
Music as a Key to Revitalization

Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 6 pm

The conference focuses on the various artistic expressions of the living environment, such as architecture, urban planning and music.
It takes us on a historical journey through the pedagogical concept of making collective music from the monastic choral singing of the Middle Ages to the present day and introduces us to the origins and development of the idea of a modern festival.
With the help of the Accademia Vicino as a symbol of the will to change the rigid concert formats, he tries to connect everything with Accumoli.
Finally, it will examine the imminent future of Accumoli and the Academy, i.e. what potential the place offers and what benefits an on-site event could have.


Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022, 6 pm
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Wildner
Conductor of Accumoli's Accademia Vicino


The evening event will be held in German and Italian and will be translated into both languages simultaneously.




Online Presentation via Zoom
The Nativity Tradition in Europe
Date: Tuesday, December 7th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

The nativity scene has a long tradition among Christmas customs. The origin of the depiction of the birth of the baby Jesus with human and animal figures in a context that depicts Bethlehem is traced back to Christmas Eve 1223, when Saint Francis of Assisi in Greccio, central Italy, with the participation of residents and monks, probably the first reenactment of the Nativity performed in a cave. The importance and identity-creating function of this custom, which is widespread throughout Europe and has been preserved to this day, is widely recognized, as for example the inclusion of the "Traismauer Crib" in Lower Austria on the UNESCO World Heritage List in November 2021 shows. The experts of the theme evening shed light on this tradition and explain it from different perspectives.
Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Tuesday, December 7th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Gotthard KLAUS, organizational director of the Traismauer Nativity Scene, UNESCO World Heritage Site

Padre Giuseppe SCARITO, Convents of Greccio, Rieti, Central Italy

Mag. Mag. Dr. Dr. Peter STRASSER, LL.M., Head of the Center for the Protection of Cultural Property, Department for Building and Environment, Danube University Krems

Participation is free, registration is required for organizational reasons. Registration under:


The event will be held in German and Italian and will be translated into both languages simultaneously.

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Memory Site in the Villages Affected by the Earthquake
Date: Wednesday, November 17th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Faro Cratere acts in several villages in central Italy affected by the 2016 earthquake, as a common framework for a sequence of Patrimonial Communities. Each one is activated by a different promoting association, to enhance its "human capital" at risk of dispersion, recovering the memory of daily life and work in the ancient village.

In fact, the promoters, together with the other institutions they will be able to involve, want to bridge the gap between the community that has left the village and the inevitably different community that will return in about ten years' time. In this context, we are asking the community of people, associations and institutions that identify with Accumoli, as with other villages in the crater, to recount their experiences in the Faro Italia Platform. We want to team up to join forces.


The Faro Convention, 'the Council of Europe's framework convention on the social value of cultural heritage', has just been ratified by Italy. The COE offices in Venice and Strasbourg have asked the Faro Venezia association to start up the prototype of a national atlas, to give consistency and awareness to the many bottom-up paths of heritage valorisation started by many local actors all over Italy. Against the risk of pulverisation, the Faro Italia Platform (FIP) proposes itself as a self-managed collaborative network, to give an example of our ability to work as a team to the rest of Europe. An extraordinary innovative framework of participatory cultural heritage valorisation paths, in which the Faro Cratere network can be embedded. In order to look ahead, we have decided to rename it Faro Cantiere: a memory workshop in the villages affected by the earthquake.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Speaker: Arch. Francesco Calzolaio

Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Design, University of Minneapolis

President Venti di Cultura, Lagunalonga Srl Director, Member ICOMOS, Faro Venezia, Europa Nostra EIHC Committee, Inland Waterways International

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Online Presentation via Zoom
The Role of Superiority and Conspiracy Theories in the Austrian Cultural Heritage
Date: Wednesday, November 24th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

We are pleased to invite you to the theme evening as part of the event series “CULTURAL HERITAGE - Burden and Passion”. The series of events is organized by EUROPA NOSTRA Austria in cooperation with Danube University Krems and the Waldviertel Academy. 

The superstition goes back to the belief of peoples in supernatural powers (which can emanate from plants, animals, demons etc.). Superstition, which is still cultivated today, is also called popular belief. The word 'superstition' denotes (since the 15th century) beliefs that deviate from church dogma. The Christian Church did not succeed in exterminating it. Rather, she had to adapt a part. Conspiracy theories or myths mix reality with fabricated facts. For centuries they have served users as a strategy against insecurity, fear and powerlessness in threatening situations.
Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 6:30 p.m.
Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. habil. rer. oec. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang ROHRBACH
President of Europa Nostra Austria

Univ.-Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Dipl. Arch. ETH Christian HANUS, Head of the Department for Building and Environment, Danube University Krems
Thomas ARTHABER, Chairman, Waldviertel Academy, Waidhofen / Thaya

Participation is free, registration is required for organizational reasons. Registration under:


Live Event + Online Presentation via Zoom
Agostino Cappello and Accumoli
Date: Saturday, October 30th, 2021, 10:30 a.m. 

Accumoli owes a lot to Agostino Cappello, who wrote the history of our ancient country, founded in 1211. A scholar of contagious diseases, a precursor in the study of rabies and cholera, as well as a precursor in talking about public and personal hygiene in a world where ignorance, illiteracy, superstition represented the conditions of everyday life of the people.


Pietro Ferradini, born in Accumoli in 1945, in years of volunteer work has been interested in the cultural, environmental and naturalistic themes of the Monti della Laga and Monti Sibillini territory, making known the beauty of this environment by promoting exhibitions and excursions and collecting the vast material concerning the writings and works of Agostino Cappello.


Location: Reconstruction School - SAE Area, Accumoli + Zoom-Online
Zoom Link

Date: Saturday, October 30th, 2021, 10:30 a.m. 



10.30: Opening of the City Councilor to culture Corrado Volpetti: moderator

10.40: Mayor of Accumoli Mrs. Franca D'Angeli

10.50 am: Pietro Ferradini: Author of the book Life and works of Agostino Cappello

11.00: Renzo Colucci: Accumoli at the time of Agostino Cappello

11.15: Prof. Giuliana Deli: Agostino Cappello, medical profession. Studying the environment to cure IIuomol

11.30: Dr. Fabio Cappello, descendant of A. Cappello

11.40: Arch. Andrea Colusso, presentation of the Bust of Agostino Cappello

Participants: Dr. Capo Gennaro - Prefect of Rieti, Avv. Giovanni Legnini - Commissioner for Reconstruction, Avv. Mariano Calisse President of prov. of Rieti, Mons. Domenico Pompili Bishop of Rieti, Di Berardino Claudio - Councilor for the Lazio Region, Arch. Lisa Lambusier - Superintendent of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Rome and for the prov. d Rieti, Ing D'Onofrio Antonio - President Fond. Varro, Dr. Alfredo Pasquetti - Director of the State Archives of Rieti Prof. Christian Hanus - Danube University Krems, Tommaso Empler - University of Rome La Sapienza: Adriano Piscitelli - President of the Pro Loco of Accumoli

13.00: Refreshments are scheduled at the end of the conference


Covid prevention rules will be implemented

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Nature in the Garden – An Initiative for the Ecological Management of Gardens and Green Spaces
Date:  Thursday , October 14th , 2021, 6:00 p.m. 

One's own garden should be a recreational and functional area for people. So in order for our ideas not to go against natural cycles such as soil formation, water and nutrient supply, it makes sense to engage in near-natural care of the garden area. It is actually not that difficult: do without peat and mineral fertilisers and do not use pesticides. This promotes soil life, natural cycles and thus biodiversity in the garden.

How to implement this idea of a natural garden in practice will be explained in this lecture. Simple instructions and explanations should help to better understand the interrelationships in a green space in order to achieve sustainable and long-term success.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date:  Thursday, October 14th , 2021, 6 p.m.


Dipl.Ing. Helga Salchegger

Head of Research Area Horticoltur, Institute for Plant Health, Laimburg Research Centre


The lecture will be held in German with simultaneous translation into Italien

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Nature in the Garden
Date: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021, 6:00 p.m. 

One's own garden should be a recreational and functional area for people. So in order for our ideas not to go against natural cycles such as soil formation, water and nutrient supply, it makes sense to engage in near-natural care of the garden area. It is actually not that difficult: do without peat and mineral fertilisers and do not use pesticides. This promotes soil life, natural cycles and thus biodiversity in the garden.

How to implement this idea of a natural garden in practice will be explained in this lecture. Simple instructions and explanations should help to better understand the interrelationships in a green space in order to achieve sustainable and long-term success.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021, 6 p.m.


DI Helga Salchegger

Head of Research Area Horticoltur, Institute for Plant Health, Laimburg Research Centre


The lecture will be held in Italian

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Forum Building Science 2021
Date: Tuesday, June 29th, 2021, 9:30 a.m., Danube University Krems (A) - Participation is Free, Registration is Required for Organizational Reasons

At the annual “Forum Building Science”, current project results and activities from the research and teaching areas of the Department of Building and Environment at Danube University Krems are presented and discussed.


Location: Zoom – Online
Date: Tuesday, June 29th, 2021, 9:30 a.m.
Participation is free, registration is required for organizational reasons.
Registration at: The zoom link for the event will be sent to the email address you provide when you register.


Simultaneous interpreter:
Carola Norcia

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Presentation of the Book
Seismic Prevention and Reconstruction:
Research and Methods
Interventions in the Accumoli Area
Date: Saturday, June 19, 2021, 11.00 a.m., Accumoli (RI) 

Illustrating the results of the Great University Research of

Sapienza Universita di Roma on the areas affected by the 2016 earthquake.


11.00 a.m. Greetings from the institutions:

Giovanni Legnini, Government Extraordinary Commissioner for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction

Claudio Di Berardino, Lazio Region Councilor for Labor and New Rights

S.E.R. Monsignor Domenico Pompili, Bishop of Rieti

Franca D'Angeli, Mayor of Accumoli


12.00 noon presentation of the book. The authors will be present:

Thomas Empler, Andrea Bruschi, Leonardo Paris, Nicola Santopuoli,

Adriana Caldarone, Michele Calvano, Maria Laura Rossi, Renzo Colucci,

Simona D'Andrea, Flavia Festuccia, Alexandra Fusinetti, Carla Nardinocchi.


Location: Accumoli (RI) in the Accupoli building

Date: Saturday, June 19, 2021, 11 a.m.

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Permaculture, More Than a Philosophy..?
Date: Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, 6:00 p.m. 

Most of our food is grown in monocultures. These depend on chemicals, waste resources and water and drain the soil. Since all this is done at the expense of nature, other people, animals and plants, a sustainable alternative is being sought.


•    Sharing some insights about permaculture
•    Observations how relationship-based (to places, to nature…and to the community) approaches can help organising negotiation processes about the use of nature and land
•    Ideas for an iterative process in recognizing potentials for Accumoli


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, May 26th, 2021, 6 p.m.


Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christine Rottenbacher

Danube University Krems


Simultaneous interpreter:

Carola Norcia

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Online Presentation via Zoom
Restoration Expeditions by
Restorers Without Borders in Iraq
Date: Wednesday, May 19th, 2021, 6:30 p.m. - Participation is Free, Registration is Required for Organizational Reasons

Origins - working methods - activities: The lecture will present the work of the association "Restorers without Borders", based in Lower Austria, in crisis areas but also the approaches for inner-Austrian institutions. The focus will be on the actions taken for collections that have been attacked by the so-called Islamic State. The planned next steps are also outlined.


Location: Zoom – Online

Date: Wednesday, May 19th, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Participation is free, registration is required for organizational reasons.

Registration at: The zoom link for the event will be sent to the email address you provide when you register.



habil. Mag. Dr. Patricia Engel

Academic Restorer, Chairwoman "Restorers Without Borders"

Dr. Nikolas Sarris

Book and paper curator at the National Library in Greece, involved in the activity of "Conservators without Borders" in Syria


Simultaneous interpreter:

Carola Norcia



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Online Presentation via Zoom

Music Remains - Musical Collaboration - Youth Training - History and Community

Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 2021, 6 p.m.


Music and a sense of community are the leitmotifs of the experiences that are told. The Accumoli band was founded in the summer of 1979 by a group of people from Accumoli who gathered around the pastor Don Beppe Piccioni, who decided to rebuild the band that was disbanded after the war. Immediately after the earthquake, the band continued to play, first in tents, then in hotels, until they finally got to the emergency shelters, the S.A.E., in which they could move. Today the band has a venue donated by ActionAid and Cisco. Children and young people find an important opportunity for socialization and growth in the activities of the band. The Banda Accumoli consists of about 25 members and is led by Maestro Vittorio Altavilla.
We will talk about the "Diamoci il La - Erano Giorni" initiative that brings together the Marche music band Parallelo 19 with the Andrea Grilli choir and Accumoli band to draw attention to the issues that characterize our times : to get out of the health crisis and to promote solidarity and care for the artistic and social heritage after the earthquake. A fundraiser has been started to support the band and the recording of a CD to celebrate the 40th birthday of the band.
The Radici Accumolesi Association will tell us about their planned book publication following a first edition aimed at archival research on the band, their concerts and the people who have written stories closely related to the city of Accumoli.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, May 12th, 2021, 6 p.m.


Fabio Bonamici - Accumoli band
Andrea Bugari and Chiara Cifatte - Diamoci il La project, Yukers Association
Renzo Colucci - Radici Accumolesi Association




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Online Presentation via Zoom

Accademia Vicino - A Regional Development Revitalization Project For Accumoli

Date: Wednesday, May 5th, 2021, 6 p.m.


Online Presentation via Zoom

A Proposal for a Strategy

Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, 6 p.m.

Preparations for the 2021 l'Accademia Vicino are in full swing. We look forward to this not only "artistic" project, because we firmly believe that this event will be an important and significant step for Accumoli. In collaboration with high-level musicians and artists, Ia Banda di Accumoli and IocaIi companies, we would like to prepare and organize these two weeks in August for the benefit of the town. Project leaders will outline the goals and opportunities for the region behind Accademia Vicino. As this event can only be a success with all your help, support and coordinated cooperation, we ask for a lively participation in this information evening.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, May 5th, 2021, 6 p.m.


Dean Prof. Dr. Christian Hanus, Dr. Bernhard Schneider, Arch. Valeriano Vallesi

Department Of Building And Environment, Danube University Krems (A)

Peter Lamatsch, Art In Dialogue, Vienna (A)

Interpreter: Carola Norcia





You will work with a scientific group to support regional development concepts. The work is based on an online software called Strategyfinder.

People with different perspectives and different possibilities will be brought together so that a common goal can be found.

Both lecturers have had good experiences with their working method and would be happy if they could support the relaunch process. The idea behind the strategy process will be described in detail in this conference. 

In order to be able to work in a targeted manner, the presence of residents, members of the government and anyone interested with innovative ideas is required. That means people who are familiar with the different areas (politics, regional products, tourism, finance, architecture). The objective is to coordinate with everyone involved.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speakers: Dr. Anita Reinbacher, regional development expert, Dr. Robert Roithmayr architect

Interpreter: Roberto Rescia



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Online Presentation via Zoom

The Tradition of Terracing

A Cultural Heritage in Danger?

Date: Wednesday, March 24th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Agricultural terraces have a large geographical distribution on our planet. Their presence is influenced by climatic and geological factors. Although they primarily favor agricultural activities in otherwise inhospitable areas, they play a fundamental role in protecting the territory from hydrogeological risks and protecting biodiversity. At the same time, thanks to the dense network of paths that they frequently cross, they can offer a development opportunity for ecologically sustainable tourism linked to the improvement of the ecological, cultural and historical characteristics of the area.

Despite the recognized importance of the need to protect the terraced landscape, as evidenced by the recent addition of the dry stone construction technique to the list of the intangible heritage of mankind, the terraces are subject to progressive deterioration, mainly caused by neglect and poor maintenance.

The aim of this post is to illustrate the projects supported by the Aeolian Islands Preservation Fundation (AIPF) and carried out by Dotteolie di Lipari in collaboration with CNR-ISAC in the Aeolian Islands to restore the construction technology of dry stone walls by imparting knowledge to local professionals. The projects funded by the World Alliance for Terraced Landscapes (ITLA Italia A.P.S.) have also helped raise public awareness of the sensitive issue of protecting the terraced landscape in an area that is increasingly exposed to the effects of climate change.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Dott. Alessandro Sardella

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), Bologna


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Online Presentation via Zoom

Traditions Have Taste


Date: Wednesday, March 10th, 2021, 6 p.m.

The agricultural cooperative Agriarquata was founded on March 8, 2018 in Pescara del Tronto with the aim of promoting and improving typical mountain products. Our socio-economic challenge is to create a circular economy that supports small local farmers and is committed to the preservation of the typical rural landscape.
The Vino Pecorino project was born in 2015 in order to rediscover the cultivation techniques of the ancestors on “piede franco” (unrefined vines without rootstock), which were passed on from generation to generation.
In 2018 the project "Terra Divina" was born with the aim of popularizing and enhancing the production of wild fruits. Wild plants such as chestnuts, apples and wild fruits do not need plant protection. They are generally acclimatized and inherently resistant.
Our form of farming can be described as "resistance or heroic agriculture". For the much more labor-intensive cultivation of the cultivated areas and their lower productivity compared to the plain or hill region, the wealth of tastes and smells compensates.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Mr. Giacomo Eupizi

President of the Agriarquata Agricultural Cooperative Society,

Pescara del Tronto (I)



Online Presentation via Zoom

The Feasible Reconstruction

Bivouac Zilioli at 2250 m Above Sea Level

Date: Wednesday, February 24th, 2021, 6 p.m.

……… "possible: what can be done, what is within the limits of an objective and even subjective ability".

It is the "it-can-be-done" that often urges us to embark on an adventure, accomplish an achievement, accept a challenge, go beyond the ordinary. Yes, I believe that reconstruction must necessarily have the character of the extraordinary, which is understood as overcoming everything that is not "usual" in a certain activity, such as building.

In the case of the Zilioli refuge, one could in a certain sense say that the extraordinary has been built at 2253 meters above sea level. The refuge can only be reached by foot via a path with 700 m difference in altitude in almost 2 hours and for these and many other reasons, this reconstruction can certainly be considered something extraordinary.

Even the destruction of a huge territory by the earthquake is something extraordinary, but then why insist on reconstruction, the management of which has nothing extraordinary ... planning, regularity of cities, misuse of buildings, opinions, building permits and what is the challenge? Where the business, where the courage to rebuild?

Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, February 24th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Arch. Valeriano Vallesi


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Online Presentation via Zoom

Urban Acupuncture and Cultural Networks

Territorial Cultural Networks and Archives to Secure the Memory of the Venice lagoon and Earthquake-Hit Villages

Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Some landscapes are as fragile and precious as they are at risk of implosion, such as the Venice lagoon and the earthquake-stricken villages of the Apennines. Enhancing them means starting bottom-up cultural processes, capable of regenerating communities in crisis and consequently their territories. We will describe these risks and present architectural projects and cultural strategies, both capable of triggering those virtuous processes. They are based on common strategies such as urban acupuncture and light infrastructures for the material heritage; archives and dissemination centers for the intangible heritage; territorial networks of slow and sustainable mobility for the whole territory; evolved models of participation for the local communities, as inspired by the Faro Convention, approved a few months ago by the Italian State.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, February 17th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Arch. Francesco Calzolaio

Emeritus Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Design, University of Minneapolis

President Venti di Cultura, Lagunalonga Srl Director, Member ICOMOS, Faro Venezia, Europa Nostra EIHC Committee, Inland Waterways International

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Online Presentation via Zoom

MAKE IT DIGITAL - Digital and Automated Production of Emergency Shelters - Case study:  Amandola

Date: Wednesday, February 10th, 2021, 6 p.m.

The digitization of construction processes is a constantly evolving phenomenon. Even in the most advanced forms, the use of "digital" in the context of housing emergencies has not yet been well researched. Some applications show internationally how digital technologies can advance processes of participation in crisis management. The lecture illustrates the partial results of an ongoing research carried out by the Scuola di Architettura e Design of the University of Camerino, which focuses on the application of advanced digital technologies for the creation of temporary artifacts and small infrastructures in the service of the earthquake victims of central Italy.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, February 10th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Roberto Ruggiero, Roberto Cognoli (architetto, phd.Student)

Assistant Professor, Scuola di Architettura e Design "Eduardo Vittoria", Università di Camerino, Viale delle Rimembranze n.9, 63100 Ascoli Piceno

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Online Presentation via Zoom

Mountains Between Earthquakes and Aftershocks ...

Date: Wednesday, January 27th, 2021, 6 p.m.

The mountains and villages in the Central Apennines are a treasure trove of history. In ancient times they were described as wild and inhospitable environments. 

Boccaccio, defined a very distant place as "More over there than Abruzzo" and as late as the 18th century Anne Radcliffe described Abruzzo as an unknown land full of mysteries, to come to the present when Quasimodo still speaks of men after the Second World War who had an "iron and feudal past".

Instead, we would like to mention some of the voices from our countries that have seen many earthquakes, among other things. However, these voices are not voices of despair. They tell of strength and hope in a present worth living and a better future.

From the great earthquake in Avezzano in 1915 to the earthquake in 2016-2017 that destroyed Accumoli, Amatrice and all the neighboring towns, we will hear some of these voices, without forgetting that the countries and cities are not made entirely of bricks , but also consist of memories of their people.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, January 27th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: PaedDr. Rosangela Libertini, PhD.

Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia

Faculty of education

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Online Presentation via Zoom

OFF-REC Prefab building systems for off-site postearthquake reconstruction - Case study: Pescara del Tronto

Date: Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, 6 p.m.

The seminar deals with the topic of reconstruction after an earthquake, which is examined from the perspective of building systems and processes. Reconstruction is indeed a "process" that is closely related to the technological decisions that are made at its base. Not only the efficiency of the process depends on this, but also the quality of living, the environment and construction of the new settlements, as well as their compliance with the current and future needs of their users.

After a general outline of the problem, the seminar will illustrate ongoing research at the Scuola di Architettura e Design of the University of Camerino, which focuses on the design experiments of lightweight systems for "off-site" reconstruction in the context of Pescara del Tronto.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Roberto Ruggiero

Assistant Professor, Scuola di Architettura e Design "Eduardo Vittoria", Università di Camerino, Viale delle Rimembranze n.9, 63100 Ascoli Piceno

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Online Presentation via Zoom

“Kastl-Greissler” - New Austrian Self-Service Store Concept with a Low Investment Threshold

Date: Wednesday, December 16th, 2020, 6 p.m.

The "Kastl-Greissler" presents a new Austrian concept of a self-service shop that is integrated into a converted container. Wherever the profitability threshold for a local supplier is not reached, the "Kastl" offers an alternative supply option with locally produced products and everyday wares.

This concept has proven itself in remote regions with weak supply structures. The "Kastl-Greissler" business model with its experiences, potentials and difficulties will be presented and discussed.


Location: Zoom – Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday, December 16th, 2020, 6 p.m.

Speaker: Christoph Mayer

Founder "Kastl-Greissler"

Kastl-Greissler Gmbh, Jaidhof, Austria

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Online Presentation via Zoom

The Medieval Pilgrimage as a Contemporary Experience - Adrenaline-Proof Visual Culture Considerations

Date: Wednesday December 9th 2020 at 6 p.m.

Walking seems to be the simplest act in the world, inextricably linked with the human being. Walking is also a movement that humans today share with all the homines sapientes sapientes who preceded us. But does this activation of the body affect the perception of (medieval) art? Based on a 4.900 km “continuous experience”, this lecture aims to reflect on the role of the body in understanding (not only) medieval visual culture; with special attention to the art that was created for medieval pilgrims.


Location: Zoom - Online

Zoom Link

Date: Wednesday December 9th 2020 at 6 p.m.

Lecturer: Prof. Ivan Foletti
Full professor, Masaryk University, Vice-head, Department of Art History, Head of the Center for Early Medieval Studies, Editor-in-chief Convivium, Exchanges and Interactions in the Arts of Medieval Europe, Byzantium, and the Mediterranean Seminarium Kondakovianum Series Nova

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Presentation of Current Projects of the School of Reconstruction Accumoli

Date: Tuesday, October 13th 2020 at 6:30 p.m. (CET)

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.Arch.ETH Dr. Christian Hanus, Dean of the Faculty for Education, Culture and Architecture at Danube University Krems, will give an up-to-date overview of the current projects of the reconstruction school.

One of these projects is the ACCADEMIA VICINO (orchestral academy), Dott.arch. Valeriano Vallesi will present the unique project to the citizens of Accumoli and all those interested in culture and education in detail.

The orchestral academy is an academy for young orchestra musicians, which takes place annually in the summer months and will contribute to the socio-cultural revitalization of the earthquake-torn community of Accumoli.


Location: Accumoli Community Hall and online

Tuesday, October 13th 2020 at 6:30 p.m. (CET)

The lecture will be broadcast online via ZOOM

An event within the framework of the"Scuola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli "

Seminar Membrane Wood _2020 06 16 Strate

The Architecture of the Future

Lightweight Architecture - Online Exhibition

Date: Monday, July 6th 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (CEST)

As part of the activities of the "Scuola di Ricostruzione" the course "Lightweight architecture made of membranes and wood" was held from 15-17 June, which dealt with the planned housing units in Accumoli. Numerous international participants took part in the web seminar and developed ideas, designs and models for a possible settlement around the "Scuola di Ricostruzione". We would now like to present the results of this work in a virtual exhibition to all residents and interested parties, the local authorities and the College of Partner Universities and discuss them together.


ONLINE ZOOM PRESENTATION: Monday, July 6 th.2 00 at 6:00 p.m. (CEST)
"Lightweight architecture made of membranes and wood" Architecture of the future
An event within the framework of the"Scuola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli "


We look forward to your lively participation and an inspiring exchange of ideas in the following round of talks.


Module Week for Students of the Course Renovation and Revitalization

Accumoli - Renovation and Revitalization

Date 8.-13. Juni 2020

The module week will partake in a virtual visit and exploration of the city Accumoli and its surroundings in the current state by means of drone flights. The focus of the week is on the analysis of the main street in its presentation of then and now. In particular, it is about the exploration of select side streets and squares with the objective of making "paths in the landscape" visible, which invite one to linger and observe. The beauty of the city should be appreciated and emphasized due to its positioning in the surrounding nature and in the arrangement and orientation of its streets and squares. The objective is to compare and establish a relationship with other European cities destroyed by earthquakes and learn from the differences and similarities of the objects.


Venue - online event


Information & Registration: Mag. Susanne Prix, MSc,


Danube University Krems

Department of Building and Environment, Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems, Austria

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The Architecture of the Future

Lightweight Architecture made of Membranes and Wood

Date 15.–17. June 2020, 14-18:00

The seminar would like to counteract the consequences of the earthquake in Accumoli (I) and, in connection with the construction of temporary buildings, consider a construction method that is innovative, sustainable and ecological and that enables high architectural quality through transparency and lightness. Therefore, an example of such a building for the future should be created. The first step is this seminar. This event takes place as part of the Scuola di Ricostruzione di Accumoli.


Venue - online event

Information: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Robert Roithmayr,

Registration: Renate Prünster-Deschauer,


Danube University Krems

Department of Building and Environment, Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems, Austria

© 2023 by Scuola Di Ricostruzione Di Accumoli

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