​Cultural Reconstruction in Accumoli
Launch of the Project "Accumoli e le sue radici"
On December 7, 2023, in the presence of Mayor Franca D’Angeli and representatives of all partner institutions, including the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage at the University for Continuing Education Krems, a ceremonial inauguration marked the commencement of the project "Accumoli e le sue radici" – in English, "Accumoli and its Roots." The event took place in the city of Accumoli, which had been completely destroyed by an earthquake seven years prior, located in Central Italy.
This project aims to enhance and safeguard the cultural and intangible heritage of Accumoli, aligning with the objectives outlined in Accumoli's strategic "Mapa di Comunitá." The project plans to develop and utilize new technologies as innovative tools for the protection and enhancement of the rescued cultural assets and the associated "collective memory" of the earthquake-ravaged area.
Through the use of interactive augmented reality reconstructions, the project seeks to re-establish certain functions of the destroyed physical spaces and, at the same time, integrate the public and its collective knowledge and memories into the reconstruction process. The participating community on the virtual town square will contribute to reconstructing, documenting, and revitalizing the history, memories, traditions, and architectural cultural heritage. In this way, the community is to be established as a custodian of this heritage. The project also includes public events, excursions, and seminars.
Funding for the project comes from EU funds for the Latium region (comunità solidali 2022 program) and is coordinated by the Associazione Radici Accumolesi and APS L'Aquilone from Frosinone. Project partners include, among others, the University for Continuing Education Krems, the University of Essex, the Municipality of Accumoli, Cooperativa Sociale Altri Colori, Laga Insieme ONLUS, Pro Loco Accumoli, Odissea coop, Associazione Amici di Grisciano, and the Velino Mountain Community.
Throughout the one-year project, meetings, excursions, and workshops will be organized, fostering collaboration between the Accumoli community, the Austrian University for Continuing Education Krems - School of Reconstruction, Cooperativa Sociale Altri Colori, the University of Essex, Laga Insieme ONLUS, Pro loco of Accumoli, Odissea coop, Associazione Amici di Grisciano, and Velino Mountain Community to strengthen both real and virtual communities.
Contact Person:
Univ.-Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus, FEng.
University for Continuing Education Krems
Head of the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage
Phone: +43 2732 893-2654
E-mail: christian.hanus@donau-uni.ac.at

![LOGO ComPaRe ERASMUS[35].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3a9ac9_56a1cbe09e284673bb9e504ba5e9c752~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_207,h_56,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/LOGO%20ComPaRe%20ERASMUS%5B35%5D.jpg)
A Holistic Approach to the Reconstruction of Destroyed Urban Structures
Complex Participatory Reconstruction of
Urban Structures (ComPaRe)
The project Complex Participatory Reconstruction of Urban Structures is funded by the European Union through the program "Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships" and managed by the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage of the University for Continuing Education Krems. The project, which will run over three years, deals with the development of teaching methods and didactic tools to cope with the complex task of reconstruction of destroyed historical centers.
The aim of the project is to provide the region and the city of Accumoli (as a model case) with tools and methods to improve their resilience and to rebuild the destroyed visible and invisible structures, involving local and regional actors and, above all, civic engagement. The citizens of these small towns and municipal staff currently lack the necessary socio-cultural skills and broader awareness. In addition, the project aims at lifelong learning activities that promote active citizenship and citizen participation in processes of holistic reconstruction of complex urban and regional structures in case of natural and man-made disasters.
Within the project, methods and tools to improve civic engagement in the educational process will be developed and tested by the partner consortium with the participation of local and regional stakeholders. Project partners, with close involvement of associated partners, are developing a knowledge base for transdisciplinary education for holistic reconstruction of destroyed urban structures. This knowledge base will be further developed in the educational program on complex participatory reconstruction of destroyed urban structures.
The program will provide a holistic approach to the reconstruction of destroyed urban structures and define the framework for the engagement of local people and communities in educational activities to enhance the interaction of students and teachers with the public through formal or non-formal learning activities dialogue, interactive presentations, etc. The final outcome of the project will be an implementation manual for study programs focusing on elements of public participation in educational processes to rebuild destroyed urban structures.
The international consortium of partners for this project includes the University of La Sapienza Rome, University of Camerino, Czech Technical University Prague, Masaryk University in Brno, Slovak Technical University Bratislava, Budapest University of Technology and Economics as well as the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The Municipality of Accumoli, the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome and the Association "Venti di Cultura" participate as associated partners.
Further information
Project ComPaRe: www.compare-erasmus.eu
Contact Person:
Univ.-Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus, FEng.
Head of the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage
University for Continuing Education Krems
Phone: +43 2732 893-2654
E-mail: christian.hanus@donau-uni.ac.at

The Music Academy in Accumoli - A Symbol of the Renewal of Society
Accademia Vicino
Following the holistic approach of the interdisciplinary and transnational cooperation of the "School of Reconstruction", the "Accademia Vicino" was created as one of the revitalization initiatives. An international orchestral academy for talented young musicians from all over Europe, which takes place in Accumoli annually during the summer months.
The Accademia Vicino can be seen as a symbol of the need for renewal of society through active cultural work and the importance of listening to each other. In this innovative project, lecturers from five nations and young musicians from different European countries of origin form an exemplary mixture of European cooperation, set a sign of international solidarity and exemplify the importance of active cultural work for the revitalization of an entire region.
The participants of the academy will be offered a multimodal program that focuses on four main areas. Intensive orchestral playing and chamber music training are the two central elements. In addition, individual lessons with audition coaching as well as seminars on practical music-making complement the teaching program.
In addition to the orchestra concerts, contact with the audience is also sought in smaller chamber music events, such as spontaneous musical performances in public spaces.
The orchestra academy will take place from August 16th-25th, 2024 in the "Scuola di Ricostruzione" (School of Reconstruction). The citizens of Accumoli and music-interested guests from near and far are cordially invited to take part in the academy and to experience the work of the artists at close range.
Further information:
Accademia Vicino www.accademiavicino.eu
Contact Person:
Univ.-Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus, FEng.
Head of the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage
University for Continuing Education Krems
Phone: +43 2732 893-2654
E-mail: christian.hanus@donau-uni.ac.at

Mobile Data Visualization Methods Embedded in the Environment
With sensors, the amount and complexity of the data available to us is constantly increasing. This abundance of data opens up new technical and economic opportunities. The disadvantage is that this information per se is not visible to humans and is therefore usually difficult to integrate in the real environment and use for problem solving.
"Dataskop" is developing mobile data visualization methods embedded in the environment to connect physical environment and abstract data representation. Promising technologies to solve this problem are augmented reality and so-called "Low-Power Wide Area Networks" (LPWAN), which can collect and transmit sensor data over long distances while requiring extremely low power. In addition, data security and economic models are also being researched in order to even out the way for economic use. Through this holistic and interdisciplinary approach, the project contributes to the vision of a Sensor-Based Data Economy in Lower Austria, which creates Smart Rural Areas in the countryside. The project partners cover all necessary areas along the value chain.
The Department of Integrated Sensor Systems conducts research in Dataskop in the areas of sensor technology and data infrastructure. Concepts are being developed on how sensors can be connected to such a system and made available for visualization in a standardized way. In particular, the role of digital twins is being investigated to match the requirements of LPWANs and visualization or data processing in the cloud. Scalability of networks and automated configuration of sensors are further research topics at the Danube University.
The scientific-technical results of the project are designed to be application-independent. This means that the methods and concepts to be developed will be applicable in a large number of different application areas. Danube University's focus will be on cultural heritage protection and disaster management.
** The Datascope is co-financed by the Land of Lower Austria (www.noe.gv.at) and the European Commission through the European Regional Development Fund (www.efre.gv.at) according to Article 4 ERDF.
Further information:
Sensor-Based Data Economy - University of Continuing Education Krems (donau-uni.ac.at)
Contact Person:
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Treyl
Head of Center - Center for Distributed Systems and Sensor Networks - Deputy Head of Department - Department for Integrated Sensor Systems
+43 2622 23420-43

The Rediscovery of Mountain Agriculture
Accumoli 2030 for Sustainable Agriculture
Funded by the Lazio Region, the project "Accumoli 2030 for sustainable agriculture" was conceived by the association "Radici accumolesi" and with the active collaboration of the Municipality of Accumoli, the University for Continuing Education Krems and other associations the project will see the implementation of the rediscovery of mountain agriculture.
The problems of the structurally weak province of Rieti, which are intensifying in Accumoli, have been greatly enhanced by the series of earthquakes in 2016 and 2017. For example, the emigration process has been massively accelerated. However, the changing area also has its own characteristics, resilience, and potential, such as the original natural environment, agricultural landscape, as well as the specialized knowledge and creativity of local farmers and ranchers who remained even after the earthquakes out of solidarity and responsibility to the region and its people. They contributed significantly to the reconstruction, revitalization and development of social, economic and productive structures.
This project serves to record and evaluate the activities and initiatives, knowledge transfer through conferences, training courses and summer universities, and the development of specific models of revitalization in the settlement area and agronomic infrastructure. (Photo: Peter Lamatsch)
Contact Person:
Univ.-Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Dr. Christian Hanus, FEng.
Head of the Research Lab Sustainable Cultural Heritage
University for Continuing Education Krems
Phone: +43 2732 893-2654
E-mail: christian.hanus@donau-uni.ac.at