A new book on the reconstruction of Accumoli has been published by Thomas Empler (La Sapienza University of Rome):
Prevention and Earthquake Reconstruction: Researches and Methods.
Working on Accumoli
June 15, 2020
Aim of the research is to identify methods and operational references at different scales, urban and territorial, to be applied to territories affected by earthquakes, useful for defining prevention and reconstruction strategies. In particular, activity focuses on Accumoli, placed in the central part of Italy, and takes concrete form in construction of a pilot program for reconstruction, defining integrated and coordinated reconstruction actions based on resilience of affected areas, with three specific features:
addressing multiple scales (not just individual buildings, but settlements and territories); considering various topics and subjects (besides physical reconstruction, functional aspects and relationships and different actors involved); pursuing prevention purposes in relation to possible future events within a sustainable local development perspective. Proposals are defined through a process, where involvement of various institutional actors and inhabitants does not want to be understood as a “formal” participation, but as an essential condition of joint work. The research follows two correlated directions:
- Definition of guidelines for a path of virtuous reconstruction;
- Identification of a BIM methodology applicable both in reconstruction and prevention situation.
Prevention and earthquake reconstruction:
researches and methods.
Working on Accumoli
Edited by Tommaso Empler
Writings of: Andrea Bruschi, Adriana Caldarone, Michele Calvano, Renzo Colucci, Simona D’Andrea, Tommaso Empler, Flavia Festuccia, Alexandra Fusinetti, Carla Nardinocchi, Leonardo Paris, Maria Laura Rossi, Nicola Santopuoli
ISBN 978.88.6.5371.7